Tuesday, August 5, 2008

new project

Alison and I were talking sort of casually about how it's a good Wife's Job to cook tasty yet frugal food, and how neither of us has been particularly good at it, but that I'm working on it. I told her I would see what I could pass along to her for the tips that I've learned, and it turned into a kind of big discussion....

Now we are on a mission to lower her grocery bill while getting her tastier and healthier menus! No problem, right? :)


Diana said...

I have a suggestion or two. From back in the days when we didn't have two coins to rub together (as the saying goes) but none of you realized it.


Melissa said...

Bring them on! :) I realized my post sounded like it's a bit one-sided toward getting Alison all sorted out. But I'm definitely looking for clever ideas myself!