Thursday, January 17, 2008

I ate a shrimp

I thought about eating two. It was really gross for a minute but then I tried not thinking of it as meat, and just concentrated on the cocktail sauce. So I really did swallow it and everything, and I wasn't even sick! I have to say that MAYBE I could eat more in the future. I don't think I would pursue it unless they've got some great health benefit though.


Christibale said...

Maybe you just aren't cut out for sea food.

How can we fix this. Maybe you should start with crab...

Unknown said...

Do you like ginger and garlic? If so, I have a shrimp recipe you could attempt and then see if you like it...... also, who cooked that one shrimp?? If the shrimp is "perfectly cooked," or still soft, warm and completely devoid of rubberiness, then it is a totally different palate experience and has much less potential for grossness....