Wednesday, January 16, 2008

I wish for....

On the way home tonight I expressed a wish something along these lines:

I am really jealous of places that have meat markets. Where you can just walk up and say "I'm making chicken tonight. Give me some chicken for dinner." And then you get enough for just that night, and the next day you come back and say, "Hi, I'd like some pork tenderloin for two." I really wish I had a place where I could go and get fresh meat just like that.

Later on, Alex and I were at Hannaford and lo, there was a meat counter! They had a bunch of fresh cuts of meat laid out, some seasoned for you with fascinating things like mango chutney. And then a little way down the back wall of the store, there was a fish counter with fresh cuts of fish, clams, etc.

This is my newest delight in the cooking world. The whole point is that the meat is FRESH! :)

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hooray!!! That's one of Jeremy and my fun grocery store antics. We always watch them cut our meat just to learn by proxy...